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Messages - MCTID

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Out & About / Re: OUT AND ABOUT 2021
« on: April 16, 2021, 07:43:54 PM »
Ian........Didn't Soichiro Honda say that the 350 Four was one of their finest motorcycles ?

And he should know !

Great photos after such a long time in hibernation.....let's hope this summer is a stonker !

Congratulations from me too....I like Standard bikes, but all credit to your efforts......I think you have accomplished something really 'special' with your 'special' !

You'll need to add 5 minutes to all your rides as plenty of people will be asking you lots of questions about your bike....nice questions of course....and get ready for the positive handshakes. Well done fella.

Anorak's Corner / Zinc Plating Kits (Home)
« on: April 06, 2021, 06:40:32 PM »
I have been reading up on the old posts about Zinc Plating Kits for the home on the sohc Forum. All sorts of stuff on there going back years, but it didn't answer the $64,000 question which I'm sure somebody on here can help with - which is:

What is a the most useful and best value Kit to buy to zinc plate the various nuts, bolts and small brackets that are always needed to finish off a bike project ?

I don't need anything super dooper, just something which gets the job done so the parts look OK when they are finished, they don't take a lifetime's work to prepare or look after later, the kit comes complete with everything I need to start plating (or any accessories which will be needed ARE clearly advised) and they represent good value for money. Additionally, if there is a good Kit available for £150, but by spending another £20 or so I'll get a much better Kit or twice as many raw materials, that advice would also be welcome.

I'm not a Techie and I don't need to know all the Chemical ins and outs of the it will just go right over my old addled brain, but if anyone can advise from their own experience or recommend a Supplier who I should contact, I'd be most obliged.

Thanks in advance, and as my old Foreman who we called the Balloon used to say, 'Don't let me down folks' !

Misc / Open / Re: Donations
« on: April 03, 2021, 01:04:28 PM »
Oh.....go on then !

I asked Nurse Julie about some parts back in December but I only got round to ordering them this week.........and they arrived today !

Brilliant service and as I can't buy the lovely Lady a drink......I'll do the next best thing and donate to our wonderful Forum.

I'm also on a Triumph Forum which costs £20 a year and it's crap....and as a Accredited Lead Auditor (lapsed when I retired) and many years as a Quality Practitioner, I think I'm qualified and experienced enough to recognise crap when I see it !

Great Forum, great people and great bikes !

Other Bikes / Re: Kawasaki Z400J1 Restoration
« on: March 25, 2021, 10:36:16 AM »
I bet you wish you were back working instead of being Retired Dave !!!!!!

Chin up mate, you'll get there in the end.

Project Board / Re: 1967 CB450K0 Black Bomber Rebuild - By Royhall
« on: March 25, 2021, 10:30:25 AM »
Regarding the V627/1....never seen this before as I have never completed and registered a Project so far.....but that's another story......but who do they consider 'Competent and capable' of completing the Form.....and will they accept the word of the person completing it or not....and what's next and who arbitrates if they don't ?

It's a typical badly thought out Form IMHO...... it's loosely supposed to cover 'all eventualities' yet 90% of it will often be N/A......that wonderful term which Bureaucrats always hate. The fact that there is so little space to explain particular aspects next to the particular question and the fact that everything 'unusual' is expected to be thrown in at the end just begs for confusion and delays.....and always makes more work for Departments like the DVLA (maybe that's why they do it ) ?

I spent many years developing Forms in my career, and it isn't easy I'll admit, but the best check is to ask a group of people with different backgrounds to try and fill the Form's astonishing how 6 different people interpret a sentence with 6 different outcomes ! It certainly focuses your mind on how to ask the right questions and the best way to ask them !

I also dealt with many kinds of 'Certificates of Conformity' where a production run of scores of Castings or Forgings, or hundreds of metres of steel bar or plate were produced from one batch of molten metal and the Manufacturer was 'Certifying' that the components which you had bought had been tested and found to comply with the Specified Requirements. These C of C's were a Legal Document and falsifying them could lead to prosecution if it was found to be fraudulent. Companies who practised such falsifications soon went out of business.

The other problem with Forms like the V627/1 is that they take no account of the integrity of the person completing it. If a Professional issues a Structural Survey or a Medical Diagnosis they always note their Qualifications which adds weight to their findings, and gives confidence to the reader.

You don't need to be a qualified Doctor or a Professor of Chemistry to complete a Form like the V627/1, but maybe having to provide some background of who you are, how long you have lived at your address (or previous addresses) whether you have done this exercise before and the fact that you agree and accept that you could be prosecuted for providing false information and/or prohibited from making further applications in future if you knowingly provide false information would take the onus off the DVLA and putting it firmly on the Applicant would probably make the process easier as it would prevent fraudulent applications....which has to be the whole point of this unwieldy system.   

Just my slant on things having now seen the V627/1 Form, which If I was a Director at DVLA, I'd be investigating the % of Applications which are rejected, and providing some proper training to the person(s) drafting such Forms !

Humour / Re: SOHC Disorder or Lock Down Fever which is it ?
« on: March 12, 2021, 02:06:32 PM »
Hahahaha the biggest problem with Lockdown is that many people don't have the impetus (as in a kick up the arse) to do things mechanical because A) you don't need the car/bike to get to work tomorrow or B) even if you get that long term project running sweetly, there have been no guarantees that we can drive or ride it next week/ month/ year.

I'm just the same....only as I got older my my biggest mistake was buying a number of projects so I never get any of them finished. Keeps me out of mischief though !

If one of my Grandsons bought a crappy old bike or car, and needed my help.......well that would be quite a different matter.

All I can say is that despite all the trials and tribulations over the past year or so, God willing, most of us are still here to tell the tale. Long may that be the case. Soon be summer.

Other Bikes / Re: New Toy
« on: January 29, 2021, 12:09:12 PM » first 'big bike' after numerous Lambrettas (we all have to grow up sometime) around 1968 ish. I hope (I'm sure) that you'll enjoy your Beeza Seamus.

URJ 83 IIRC. I used to change the oil every week or so as I used the same oil as we ran the Multi Spindle Lathes on in the Factory where I worked and as I worked the Night shift, I did it at work ! It also got a good wipe down every night - cos I could !

I bought it for £50, ran it for a year and sold it for £60.........a result ! Needed a car then so a Vauxhall Victor replaced it which threw a rod on the Motorway.....yes you guessed - from lack of oil !

Not the best bike in the world, but apart from it chewing the fibre timing gear a couple of times, it served me well and Jack Bottomley's Bike Spares Shop on Cheetham Hill Road in sunny Mancunia on Sea got most of my Apprentice Wage !

Happy daze !

Announcements / Re: Peter Williams
« on: January 26, 2021, 04:09:53 PM »
Peter Williams was an exceptionally talented Engineer who contributed many really good ideas for was a real pity that he never had the backing and investment from a big Factory....who knows what else he'd have perfected given the opportunity.

Spitfires recollections of the Match Races at Oulton Park took me back....I went to one of those races in 72/73 - but it was the only bike race I ever went to because I had no idea who won what ! I only found out the following Wednesday when I bought my weekly bike fix in MCN ! I remember thinking it was all a bit pointless if I didn't actually know who won ! The Racing Triples were something else though, although the Road Triples never floated my boat as they say......just one of those bikes that if I won a new one in a raffle I'd just sell it on....a bit like Harleys !

After the race, when I got back to my parked Marina some tw*t had tried to prize my STP lookalike sticker which actually read SHIT off the rear window.....completely ruining it ! Tw*t ! Funny what you remember from 50 years ago !

Project Board / Re: CB250Rs Rebuild
« on: January 21, 2021, 11:33:32 PM »
Same with my 1970 Triumph. I had that bike since 2007 and had stripped all the paint off it by hand and repainted it using spray can primer and finish coat. Had it for years and one day I stuck the swing arm back on and the rear wheel only to find that the wheel was about an inch out (25mm for the youngsters on here). Never thought about the frame being bent....never entered my head. I had it put on a jig and straightened - £150 as it was so bad !

Good advice on here from Laverda Dave.

Announcements / Re: Customs Duties from Europe
« on: January 21, 2021, 11:28:30 PM »
I believe that the UK classic car and bike industry is worth about £4 Billion a year. No doubt some enterprising businessmen and women in the UK and the EU will find a way around this.....until the people in Brussels realise just how much trade their businesses are losing, how many EU jobs are on the line, and just how much revenue they are losing in lost taxes etc.

Businesses have a long history of overcoming obstacles and finding ways round excessive bureaucracy, and no doubt they will rise to the occasion once again.

If the cost of spares from the EU for our complete classic Honda's becomes exorbitant, will the price of UK owned classic Honda's etc go through the roof ?

I believe that the young Lady who got stung with these charges simply refused to accept delivery and returned the coat to the Seller, and will get her money back ! I can't see that taking too long to get back to Brussels ! i.e. 'WTF are you playing at.....I have just lost a lucrative market thanks to you' !

Misc / Open / Re: Accidents whilst working on bikes or cars?
« on: January 16, 2021, 05:58:22 PM »
Hahahaha I was a Health and Safety Manager on London Underground so I could tell you a few tales.........but the best was my old retired Neighbour in Worthing who used to be a Nurse at a Brighton Hospital.

We were nattering over the garden wall one sunny day and talking about incidents and accidents at work when she said "When I worked in A & E, I saw some really unusual's incredible what people can get up to with bottles and things" !!!!!

When I get a bit low or depressed, I turn on YouTube Fails and see just what lunatics there are out there stealing oxygen from the rest of us ! Always cheers me up no end.

Stay safe Folks........this will all be over soon.

Humour / And another thing........
« on: January 08, 2021, 04:42:52 PM »
And another thing (pinched off another bike Forum) !

Reminds me of my Daughter when she was about 8. My Sister called round to our house with John, her new Boyfriend. We all sat there fairly quiet - as you do when somebody visits you for the first time. My Daughter was 'itching' to ask John something I could tell and eventually she spat it out - "Are you John the Bastard" ?

When we'd all wiped up our spilt tea and biccies I asked my Daughter why she'd asked that particular question and she said that she had been learning about John the Bastard in Religious Education classes at her Catholic School.

Many years later she often worked with John in his Carpet Cleaning business, but whenever she said she'd be working over the weekend I always asked if she'd be working with 'John the Bastard'.

I read about a Spanish Hotel that had experienced problems with the quality (not quailty) of their Water Supply, and after the experts had sorted it out, a sign was displayed in the Foyer saying:

'All the water in this Hotel has been passed by the Management'.

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