Just been watching Shed & Burried - the Crow Scarer episode - when they tested it the field - it's had me literally laughing out loud. Had to rewind it again for another laugh.
It was all the funnier for me as it reminded me of an incident when I was on an armed duty overnight as a member of the Royal Family was visiting Derbyshire . There were two of us in this remote rural loaction, one of us was in the house with one of us outside patroling the grounds rotating every hours to go inside for a warm.
It was at the height of IRA activity in the UK with two serious incident in Derby at the time - the murder of a recruitment Sergeant & the bombing at the Army Recruitment Office in the Main Center in town. At about 5.00 am I was outside when I heard this shotgun blast whilst I was outside, I radioed my oppo inside so we investigated the area hoping it was just a Poacher when the Automatic Crow Scarer went off again. It's the only time I ever took my Smith & Weston out of its holster.