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My late father always said a firms reputation is only as good as it's worst employee. Looks like DS is the same.
As the clocks look as good as they do, changing the backs is not such an earth shattering problem eh? ...
Ted.... your link didn't work, always check a link before you leave it!
In comparing the speedo/tach backs on the pair I received to the old/new pics of the tach posted previously, I see that my new speedo back matches the pic of the "old" tach back. The tach back of the new pair is the opposite. So I'll swap the backs and they should fit properly.
One thing to be aware of for Concours folks if you haven't already noticed from the pics posted earlier: The clocks do NOT have the "NIPPON SEIKI" trademark at the 6 o'clock position on the face AND the speedo has a label at the "130" MPH mark where on the original (at least on my '76 UK model), "120" is the last labeled index line. The original has an index line for 130 MPH but it is not labeled
One thing that MIGHT be worth considering re adding the new clocks is that they (of course) look brand new while the rest of the bike probably does not. I will admit that while I really disliked the faded red zone of the old tach, I would prefer a little bit of "fading" on the new ones to better match the bike. I still want it "red," not a slightly pinkish off-white like my old one, just a tiny bit less red!