Measure your garage and scale it down and just draw a copy onto graph paper, say 4 squares to a metre, foot, whatever your preference.
Measure a 400, scale that the same and cut it out.
Any cupboards, ramps, shelf units etc, scale them the same and cut them out.
Now lay all the cut outs onto your sheet of graph paper that is your garage space on the graph paper and that way you can move things around and get the lay out spot on at the kitchen table over a brew without lifting a finger except chucking a tape at the garage.
If the garage is empty, draw on the floor in chalk or tape and you can still change things if you need to but it also means you can walk round it physically making sure it ACTUALLY works for you
My father in law years ago used to do this when he was planning on jigging round his production business machines about if he moved units etc. works a treat and is not computer based so I even can do it too
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