Other Stuff > Desperately Seeking!!
1974 cb550 left side cover
I did wonder Bryan but didn’t want to debate it with the seller. Thanks for that.
Anyone near you Johnny that owns a 500 four? if so pop over and borrow one to test fit.
I'm with Bryan on this one, I'm 99% sure the panels are the same as the 500 four up to 550K2, after that they did change.
Nurse Julie:
Yes, Bryan is correct as its a 500/4 frame. Don't forget, Martyn doesn't know anything about these bikes, or Kawazaki, or Yamaha etc, he just manufactures panels.
Thanks all for that, no one near with a 500 that I know about Ken. Think I’ll take a chance and order.
Hi Johnny,
You could pm Hubert over on Lismore (honda enthusiast on here). He might do a rubbing of the mounts and some detailed pics and measurements for you. He's another one who might come along if we ever get chance of a meet up.
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